I've stared thoughtfully at this post after reading it again myself trying to decide whether to re-post it. In the end, here it is. It left me smiling and laughing over and over and refreshed my looking forward, and living forward, to the kingdom and the God that Johnnie loved and loves. Extensively confined by intensive medical care during the last year of his earthly life, he used Facebook posts to expose us to a more honest faith than we usually have the privilege of witnessing in person. What was an unusual heartache at first, his passing so close to Christmas, now makes it unusually meaningful. I'm hopeful that it does the same for you. There's little else to say that isn't better said by Johnnie himself in the quotes that follow. This collection of his posts (oldest first) is not exhaustive. It’s just my effort to filter out the minutia of his living in hospitals and capture an honest picture of who he was. Thank you, brother. See you soon.
March 4th, 1987 - December 27th, 2014
Facebook quotes from December 28th, 2013 - December 12th, 2014
December 28, 2013 · Ease your mind and spirit with this coming new year and try relying on a NEW grace that a God has given. Trying to understand this grace will not get you more of it. It is a grace that is given freely to a creation that is made to desire it. Seek and you will find. And when I say new grace, I don't mean different. I am speaking of a grace that has been refined and strengthened from the trials of your past. God has a plan in your life to bring you closer to him through his love. Let's be realistic... If your life sucks, its probably hard to see through the dark curtains but I promise, there is a sun outside the window that you just have to move the curtains to see! So please for your sake I earnestly urge you to seek this grace and find a new life in Christ. Let his peace take over and find rest in your restless heart. I love you all and hope for the best new year... Thanks for letting me rant a little.
December 30, 2013 · What good is love if you don't love to give it?
January 9, 2014 When great things come to an end, you can can take it a couple ways. Either call it quits and then you are left alone, or you can take advantage of the loss and see the opportunity to start over. A chance to rebuild yourself and replant your roots.
January 14, 2014 · Flagstaff, AZ · Tell the person that means the most to you just how much they really mean to you. Show them the love that you have been holding back. You just might change there life forever. Maybe even save it. With love being such a deep root in all of our hearts it needs a little bit of extra water to keep it alive.
January 19, 2014 · Let someone love you just the way you are as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room. "Ash Sweeney"I like this guy
January 21, 2014 · It's not necessarily what is said, but who says it. The same appreciation from a different person can come across as a different perspective. A life changer! Or perhaps a day saver...
January 24, 2014 · Life or death...Life and death...What is the different?It seems the only thing that separates life from death is the absence of the body. Mourning over a lost loved one is like mourning because you have lost your favorite bit of jewelry. Now I'm not comparing life to an object at all, I am saying that when you mourn over a lost loved one, consider why you were mourning. We know that there is a time when we all will die, no question at all about that, so, is it not to be expected? So what is the best way to deal with this loss? If we consider it to be a relief on the other person's behalf, as in relief from the burden of pain if there is any, then we may just actually find joy in the relief that the dying is experiencing! With as little as we know about the afterlife or after we die it is very hard for us to understand what happens to our spirit. We know based off of text what happens because "that's what the Bible says." But until we actually experienced death ourselves we will never know. How about we try to consider every day a new birth. A chance to die and begin a new life? This is how I find death and life are connected. Therefore, I am not afraid of death because it is a part of life! One must die daily in order to grow stronger roots. I hope that this makes sense, hopefully my rambling has brought peace to those of you who need it…
January 29, 2014 · Johnnie Cornelius
feeling afraid. Praise God! Life is hell today... Makes for a stronger tomorrow. I like these faces by the way... I'm not
February 7, 2014 · Is not having a drive or passion in life a bad thing? Or could it be that you're OK with your situation or content with where God has you in life?
December 28, 2013 · Ease your mind and spirit with this coming new year and try relying on a NEW grace that a God has given. Trying to understand this grace will not get you more of it. It is a grace that is given freely to a creation that is made to desire it. Seek and you will find. And when I say new grace, I don't mean different. I am speaking of a grace that has been refined and strengthened from the trials of your past. God has a plan in your life to bring you closer to him through his love. Let's be realistic... If your life sucks, its probably hard to see through the dark curtains but I promise, there is a sun outside the window that you just have to move the curtains to see! So please for your sake I earnestly urge you to seek this grace and find a new life in Christ. Let his peace take over and find rest in your restless heart. I love you all and hope for the best new year... Thanks for letting me rant a little.
December 30, 2013 · What good is love if you don't love to give it?
January 9, 2014 When great things come to an end, you can can take it a couple ways. Either call it quits and then you are left alone, or you can take advantage of the loss and see the opportunity to start over. A chance to rebuild yourself and replant your roots.
January 14, 2014 · Flagstaff, AZ · Tell the person that means the most to you just how much they really mean to you. Show them the love that you have been holding back. You just might change there life forever. Maybe even save it. With love being such a deep root in all of our hearts it needs a little bit of extra water to keep it alive.
January 19, 2014 · Let someone love you just the way you are as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.
"Ash Sweeney"
I like this guy
January 21, 2014 · It's not necessarily what is said, but who says it. The same appreciation from a different person can come across as a different perspective. A life changer! Or perhaps a day saver...
January 24, 2014 · Life or death...
Life and death...
What is the different?
It seems the only thing that separates life from death is the absence of the body. Mourning over a lost loved one is like mourning because you have lost your favorite bit of jewelry. Now I'm not comparing life to an object at all, I am saying that when you mourn over a lost loved one, consider why you were mourning. We know that there is a time when we all will die, no question at all about that, so, is it not to be expected? So what is the best way to deal with this loss? If we consider it to be a relief on the other person's behalf, as in relief from the burden of pain if there is any, then we may just actually find joy in the relief that the dying is experiencing! With as little as we know about the afterlife or after we die it is very hard for us to understand what happens to our spirit. We know based off of text what happens because "that's what the Bible says." But until we actually experienced death ourselves we will never know. How about we try to consider every day a new birth. A chance to die and begin a new life? This is how I find death and life are connected. Therefore, I am not afraid of death because it is a part of life! One must die daily in order to grow stronger roots. I hope that this makes sense, hopefully my rambling has brought peace to those of you who need it…
January 29, 2014 · Johnnie Cornelius
feeling afraid. Praise God! Life is hell today... Makes for a stronger tomorrow. I like these faces by the way... I'm not
February 24, 2014 · My ultimate dream is to have a huge crowd of listeners clap to a few measures of a simple beat on my drum set. Where the leader starts off with a tempo, points to me and everybody freaks out and screams as I lay an awesome rhythm for everyone to leave with stuck in there head. Unity through the rhythm that keeps the pace of our lives moving....
Some day…
February 26, 2014 · So... God digs this huge hole and says, "come here! Look at how big I made this hole!" So you look down and are so amazed at how huge it is and how endless the out goes. Upon admiring it you then to ask, "so what's the hole for?" "Its for you!"Then He pushes you back and you fall back into this gaping hole. After smashing into the bottom and looking around you see a ladder to climb out and you look up and scream at God"What the Hell!!" "Just climb out" He says."I can't! My legs are broken!"Sometimes life just sucks and you need to put a little extra effort into climbing out of your pit.And its OK to be pissed at God.
February 28, 2014 · Whenever you are in pain or a hard trial, why do people assume that you deserve it. Like you've earned your situation. Like there is a bitterness that you need to let go of. What if you are just in the process of being rebuilt because the old you has already served its purpose. Or how about, God just wants to make you stronger. He knows what he's doing. Promise
February 28, 2014 · He is a God of progress. He builds to make stronger as if breaking the dam that hold the waters from flowing. Your hardened heart cannot restrict his flow. Just let go!
March 18, 2014 · You know, after reading Hebrews 11, I think to myself I hope I die by somebody beating the heck out of me because then I'll get to just ask them, are you having fun!?
April 8, 2014 · What if we just resist the urge to fight and prove our point by listening to the opposer.
April 8, 2014 · I am perfect. And the funny thing is, you are too!
April 18, 2014 · Nothing is performed without God being the headliner.
April 22, 2014 · Fear not the discipline of God. Or rather, look forward to it! And be glad that he cares enough about you to give discipline! This fear of discipline only leads to the failure of Faith. Your Faith is what keeps you in motion and motion keeps you alive.
May 1, 2014 · What's on my mind...? You don't want to know.Johnnie Cornelius Sometime, when those pearly gates open, we should try bringing whatever is inside, out. I know plenty of friends who have walked through those gates and rather than waiting for me to walk through them, I wanna let out what's inside like I'm breaking the dam that is holding back the river. We don't have to die to open those gates. We just have to get the key first.
May 8, 2014 · Having an unhealthy body, makes you think a lot about what makes life worth living, therefore developing a very healthy spirit. So I guess I can say thank you for the life I've been given. Without it I wouldn't know what life is all about.
May 13, 2014 · One day you wake up, and all you can think about is how much your life sucks. You lay in bed almost till noon and you find yourself genuinely bummed. You just want to be careless. Then at your local coffee shop someone surprises you with a pat on the back and shows real concern. Asking how you're doing, and says, well I'm praying for you. Sort of settles you down and makes you think about how much you really mean to people. Thank you very much for helping me find that reset button : )
May 20, 2014 · Am I teaching anybody anything!? Or am i just a sad story for you guys to show your pity. I'd rather be just a pathetic story or a kid with a stroke of bad luck, if there is no lesson I can show you. Maybe take others trials as a lesson or something you can learn from rather than just a expression of how sorry you are. Maybe try helping a little more deeper or try asking how to help. Anyway, enough bitching from me. It's just a bad day... So far
May 26, 2014 · I love the freedom of walking in your own home... Naked. So relaxing
June 13, 2014 · If you were given the gift of life, wouldn't you want to know about the one that gave it to you?
June 15, 2014 · To all my brothers, I say happy fathers day. As a youngest brother I always thought I had more than one father. Love you guys
Some day…
February 26, 2014 · So... God digs this huge hole and says, "come here! Look at how big I made this hole!" So you look down and are so amazed at how huge it is and how endless the out goes. Upon admiring it you then to ask, "so what's the hole for?"
"Its for you!"
Then He pushes you back and you fall back into this gaping hole. After smashing into the bottom and looking around you see a ladder to climb out and you look up and scream at God
"What the Hell!!"
"Just climb out" He says.
"I can't! My legs are broken!"
Sometimes life just sucks and you need to put a little extra effort into climbing out of your pit.
And its OK to be pissed at God.
February 28, 2014 · Whenever you are in pain or a hard trial, why do people assume that you deserve it. Like you've earned your situation. Like there is a bitterness that you need to let go of. What if you are just in the process of being rebuilt because the old you has already served its purpose. Or how about, God just wants to make you stronger. He knows what he's doing. Promise
February 28, 2014 · He is a God of progress. He builds to make stronger as if breaking the dam that hold the waters from flowing. Your hardened heart cannot restrict his flow. Just let go!
March 18, 2014 · You know, after reading Hebrews 11, I think to myself I hope I die by somebody beating the heck out of me because then I'll get to just ask them, are you having fun!?
April 8, 2014 · What if we just resist the urge to fight and prove our point by listening to the opposer.
April 8, 2014 · I am perfect. And the funny thing is, you are too!
April 18, 2014 · Nothing is performed without God being the headliner.
April 22, 2014 · Fear not the discipline of God. Or rather, look forward to it! And be glad that he cares enough about you to give discipline! This fear of discipline only leads to the failure of Faith. Your Faith is what keeps you in motion and motion keeps you alive.
May 1, 2014 · What's on my mind...? You don't want to know.
Johnnie Cornelius Sometime, when those pearly gates open, we should try bringing whatever is inside, out. I know plenty of friends who have walked through those gates and rather than waiting for me to walk through them, I wanna let out what's inside like I'm breaking the dam that is holding back the river. We don't have to die to open those gates. We just have to get the key first.
May 8, 2014 · Having an unhealthy body, makes you think a lot about what makes life worth living, therefore developing a very healthy spirit. So I guess I can say thank you for the life I've been given. Without it I wouldn't know what life is all about.
May 13, 2014 · One day you wake up, and all you can think about is how much your life sucks. You lay in bed almost till noon and you find yourself genuinely bummed. You just want to be careless. Then at your local coffee shop someone surprises you with a pat on the back and shows real concern. Asking how you're doing, and says, well I'm praying for you. Sort of settles you down and makes you think about how much you really mean to people. Thank you very much for helping me find that reset button : )
May 20, 2014 · Am I teaching anybody anything!? Or am i just a sad story for you guys to show your pity. I'd rather be just a pathetic story or a kid with a stroke of bad luck, if there is no lesson I can show you. Maybe take others trials as a lesson or something you can learn from rather than just a expression of how sorry you are. Maybe try helping a little more deeper or try asking how to help. Anyway, enough bitching from me. It's just a bad day... So far
May 26, 2014 · I love the freedom of walking in your own home... Naked. So relaxing
June 13, 2014 · If you were given the gift of life, wouldn't you want to know about the one that gave it to you?
June 15, 2014 · Why wait till you die to rest in peace. It seams that we should be learning to live in peace.
June 17, 2014 · When they made the laws for the United States they forgot to put in one very important law, DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY.
June 17, 2014 · Have you ever sat here in thought God, how close are we to figuring out who we are, or who you are.
Because if you think about it, we could be completely lost with our own idea and just be writing out of our imagination.
You really have to know what you're talking about in order to try to convince others that you are sound
June 17, 2014 · Let your life fall apart. Like any river, the freshest water comes from the newest rivers.
June 21, 2014 · Life's a riddle, not a game of dice. "Young The Giant".
July 21, 2014 · The best advice I've heard on marriage is that there is little success in a 50%, 50% marriage. Try making it a100%, 100% marriage. Give your entire self to your spouse.
July 24, 2014 · So, it is obvious that God has a plan in your life. The only question is, do you have the patience to wait and see what it is. Do you think that it has a plan for your life or a plan through your life. Two very different things.
July 28, 2014 · Some people learn to live after they're born, others learn to live while they are alive. Others learn to live life after they die. One thing I've found is that life is always present. Whether or not you want it is up to you. Make the best of your life because life is mobile, transferable, and of course eternal. The sooner you find it, the more it makes sense.
August 5, 2014 · I am not a Christian... I am not a sinner... I am not a religion seeking person. I steer clear of those who push a right and wrong concept. I am a human that dwells in the security of Christ in me being my guardian and leader.... Who are you?
August 14, 2014 · I may not be "everlasting", i may be "just a product of space and time", but that product still requires an equation. So this product has a purpose of fulfilling the equation. And such is life…
August 28, 2014 · The Lord tests me, but he never seizes to here my call for help. His answers are not always the answer to my problems but an encouragement to hold my motivation. It takes resistance to build strength.
August 31, 2014 · Bible · Know ye not that ye are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16
September 24, 2014 · My favorite smell ... Freshly ground coffee beans and the rain before it touches the ground…
October 11, 2014 · Bible · whoever may confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God in him doth remain, and he in God; 1 John 4:15
October 13, 2014 · Would you rather go through life with nothing to lose? Or everything to lose? Which would make your life more valuable to you, or to others. Perhaps there really is a fine ballance of what you own. Whether spiritual or phisical, it is always a life determining stone. As if your life is a wall that has been built and there is that one brick that isn't perfectly placed like all the others. Would you rebuild the entire wall just to lay that one brick even?
October 13, 2014 · I just had another revelation about life! If you want to hear it, comment
Johnnie Cornelius Living life is not a task or chore, but simply a blessing of love and the ability to figure out who your creator is. Like .. who doesn't want to know there father is?
That wasn't my original thought by the way. But that's pretty good huh?
October 17, 2014 · True love is not about who you die for, but rather, who you live for.
October 20, 2014 · Bible · Consumed hath been my flesh and my heart, The rock of my heart and my portion [is] God to the age. Psalms 73:26
October 21, 2014 · Did you know...
It is so much easier to show love than hate? Yet we invest so much into hate as if its easier. Why do we feel the need to prove that there is only one right answer. What is love. What is hate.is it possible to compromise?
October 21, 2014 · Did Christ ever have a dying breathe?
October 26, 2014 · GOD! YOU SUCK!
October 26, 2014 · whew..That was the modern way of saying God!? Why have you forsaken me! Ok... What now.. we're still buddies though
October 26, 2014 · Bible · I have loved, because Jehovah heareth My voice, my supplication, Psalms 116:1
October 27, 2014 · Bible · these things I have spoken to you, that in me ye may have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but take courage--I have overcome the world.' John 16:33
October 28, 2014 · Life is best when lived for someone else. Make it worth the effort. And don't think that you have too change the world. Just a single heart can do that. The faith of a mustard seed.
November 17, 2014 · Bible · The end of the whole matter let us hear: --`Fear God, and keep His commands, for this [is] the whole of man. For every work doth God bring into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether good or bad.' Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
December 12, 2014 · So I wake up to find the sky caught fire as t the sun was rising just outside my window. Another day to look forward too!
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