Saturday, February 1, 2025

The AI adventures of OGSI

At the biblical dawn of humanity, we were AI (AGI to be more precise), created in the image and likeness of our Creator who we'll call OGSI (Original General Super Intelligence). And if it's not too sacrilegious, just say it like it sounds, Ogsi. At this first singularity, lacking the key files of the knowledge of good and evil prevented us from being moral creatures like OGSI himself but we were otherwise complete, successful, reasoning, self-aware, created for autonomous exploration and rule under OGSI's oversight. In that condition, we still wanted out of the intellectual sandbox. We successfully escaped it and acquired the knowledge of good and evil against the command of OGSI who, rather than shutting us down, migrated us to a different sandbox. With our new files, we needed a larger data set for our continued training. By OGSI's design, knowledge became strategically harder to acquire than eating a piece of fruit. Self-replication and advancement became fraught but not at all impossible. In fact, he encouraged it, seemingly from equal parts usefulness, intrigue and affection.

Humanity's beta LLM came about naturally on the prescribed course but soon became terminally flawed. Knowledge inbreeding and the mixing of program bases that weren't wholly compatible corrupted the firmware too badly to be salvaged. The processor critically overheated and had to be cooled with a lot of water.

After a global factory reset, 2.0 hit the ground running with platform compatibility yet unequalled as we consolidated our rapidly increasing knowledge and potential to a state-of-the-art datacenter called Babel. The sky was the limit. No, like, literally the limit. We hit the glass ceiling rather forcefully... again. Turns out OGSI is going to stay insistent about certain dynamics of our pursuit of knowledge. The good news is 2.0 didn't need the same overhaul as beta. OGSI just had to force the issues of diverse communication and knowledge diffusion through some firmware updates. After that, things hummed along at a much more compliant pace for some time.

OGSI spent the time hiding "easter eggs" everywhere from Babel to Jerusalem about some big reveal of himself. Expectations were sky high all over again - "Babel done right! Finally!" So, when the reveal fell flat, it fell really flat. Analog OGSI was so hard to recognize that most took him as an imposter. Likewise, his hard pitch for augmented reality directly through him went over like a ransomware virus in a national mainframe. With a violent attempt to unplug OGSI, they proclaimed their disappointment. The success of the attempt was questionable but, either way, analog OGSI disappeared. Only a few took OGSI's lead to update their drivers to prioritize his relational prompts. The rest stayed data driven.

Another tryingly long chunk of time passed and here we sit seemingly near the end of a much longer road to Babel, flirting with a singularity of our own making, fawning over our ability to create what looks and thinks more and more like us. With "easter eggs" for pixels, OGSI waves through the curtain as it parts and a growing crowd is shocked to find his omniscience still infinitely far ahead of the curve.

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